Sunday, November 13, 2011


When I was only 6 my soon to be best friend moved in down the street she looked kind of funny with her extremely short bob cut and her white as snow colored skin but still I was able to get to know her and be her best friend! Even now 10 years later we are still best friends. We still hang out on the weekends, tell each other everything, and read each other’s mind. Only now instead of playing with Barbie’s when we are bored we quote movies!

Living in Iowa definitely has its down sides. All we have to do for fun here is watch corn grow. Because this is often boring we resorted to watching movies instead! Now after all these years of our brains being rotted away by dream works we finally have memorized all of our favorite movies from front to back! One day when we were bored we just started quoting funny movies! We decided to make a game out of it. We would pick a movie and go back and forth saying funny quotes from that movie. The first person that ran out of quotes would lose!

Our favorite movie is defiantly Elf! And trust me quotes from that movie do not run out as quickly as some other movies. Some of the most commonly quoted consist of “Buddy the elf what’s your favorite color?” or “I'm singing I'm in a store and I'm siiiiiingiiiiing! I'm in a store and I'm siiiiiingiiiiing!”

Sometimes people don’t know the movie that we are quoting or they think we are weird for quoting movies. However my friend and me are usually laughing so hard by the end nothing anyone can say or do could possibly ruin or moods! Isn’t life just dandy when you got a best friend to giggle with!

P.S. bottled water!!!

P.S.S. This blog was written in honor of Clara Gilbert! May she read this blog in peace!

P.S.S.S. Yay Miss A Its my 30th Blog!!!
333 words

Ideal best friend quality's!

I love having a best friend! Always having someone to talk to or to vent to! Someone who is always there to answer your questions or just to chill on a Saturday night! Someone who you can trust to hate who you hate or tell you an honest opinion on how an outfit looks.

!.) A good best friend always knows how to listen! They let you tell them anything you want and then don’t tell anyone else unless you say its ok. Listening is important because everyone needs to vent and if you have no one to vent too then what’s the point!

2.) Second a best friend always has to have your back. A good friend always stands up for their friends and doesn’t turn around to stab them in the back. Honesty also comes with this. They don’t say they staying home to do homework and then go out with your boyfriend, or with just anyone at all. They have to be honest enough to tell you when your butt looks big or your boobs look completely fake in you push up bra.

3.) They cant be big headed. If your friend only cares about themselves then you probably will end up not being happy! If your friend is only concerned with being cool or improving their status you can bet that the second a popular girl asks her to hang out she wont be saying no to hang out with you. Its important to always make others feel just as important as you because feeling unimportant cant really lower ones self-esteem and a good friend should be building you up not breaking you down!

4.) Probably the most important thing in friendship liking a person for who they are. When you are with your best friend you have to be able to be your complete self. You shouldn’t have to worry about them judging you for being weird or too crazy. Being yourself should be the answer to every problem. Just as they should enjoy being around you, you must enjoy being around them because if you don’t things with not end up all warm and fuzzy.
361 words


Upon arriving today at play practice we took attendance just like any other day, we talked about how close the show date was, and we got up on stage. Only today rather than starting though the beginning of the script we were told to site in a tight circle up on stage. Our director told us that rather than just going though the script we were going to just sit and say our lines. We were supposed sit and when it was our line we were just supposed to say it. It didn’t have to be in character, it didn’t have to be loud, it just had to be said…fast!

As we were going through the script people kept messing up over and over again! My friends and me were sooo bored. Until we saw the fly. There was a fly on the ground, on its back, trying to flip over! I, being slightly grossed out by bugs, flicked it away. It landed right side up and it flew away. Trouble was its wings were all scratched up (probably why it was on its back in the first place) and it quickly ended up back on the ground. I decided I was so board I was going to try to catch the fly! But for some reason when I put my hand down next to it, it just crawled right on! This was obviously a sign! I spent the next twenty minutes letting it walk around my hand and everyone was either grossed out or laughing at the fact that a bug was waltzing around in my palm. We decided to name him Fred.

We had only known Fred for about twenty-five minutes and people were passing him around to see him! After everyone had taken a look I set him on a piece of paper in between my friend and I. As the fly slowly escaped my friends thought, she was texting her boyfriend, she suddenly threw MY script to the ground. Right. On. The Fly!

As all of us gasped in horror my friend slowly lifted the script. FRED WAS DEAD!! He had been squished right there in front of all of us!!! My friend, Kyle Hanschman, was a Fly Killer!!!

I guess it was nice to know Fred at all, even if it was only for twenty-five minutes.
 WORds: 391

Don't Get Your Panties In A Wad

Some people are just too sensitive! I can’t handle it when I’m trying to tell someone something to help them and they take it like a slap in the face! Constructive criticism is not a bad thing when given nicely and I believe that I am a mostly nice person!

Today in choir, we were rehearsing, Sing We Now Of Christmas, for our Christmas concert. Throughout the entire song, there is a line of music that remains the same with different words. However, at the very end of the song there is the same music with only one small note difference. Because we are mostly looking at our director why we are singing, we always seem to forget about that darn note!

Today, when we were singing through the song, we got to the end and everyone sang the note wrong including me! After this, we started working on a certain part of the end of the song. We ended up singing over the measure with that “note” about 5 times and every time everyone was able to hit the note, but one person. After about two times of hearing her sing it wrong and everyone else sing it right, I leaned over said, “Hey, make sure you’re not forgetting about the weird note on the last page!” I said it completely nicely and she snapped back at me like I had slapped her cross the face! The next time we sang it, the note was still wrong. After that last time, the director also noticed that someone was singing the note wrong and he told us to remember the different note. Not until after the director pointed out the note did she finally sing it correctly. If she wouldn’t have been so darn sensitive and defensive, she could have gotten the note the first time someone tried to help her!
Words: 311