I chose to read The Girl Who Played With Fire because it is second, in a series of three books. I really enjoyed the first book, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, so I was really excited to read on and see what would happen next! Like in the first book, The Girl Who Played With Fire was very challenging to read for many reasons; multiple story lines, words I didn’t know, and lots of important information. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who would enjoy an intriguing, thriller, mystery!
The biggest challenge in reading this book is probably having multiple story lines. Every chapter has around six to ten text breaks, and after each one a new character begins telling their story. This book is written in third person, but even so, it is sometimes still difficult to remember which character you are reading about at any given time. Also, it switches back and forth so many times, I often find my self getting the different character’s story lines mixed up. In a book with so many details, this makes reading very difficult.
Another factor contributing to the difficulty of the book is language. Unlike in the first book, there are not many words that I do not know, but because this book takes place in Sweden many of the names and places sound so similar to me it’s hard to keep them straight. Sometimes I feel as if every city in Sweden begins with the letter K, because I always find myself trying to remember which K word is which. This makes reading very difficult because I cannot tell if they are talking about a person or a place, which often leads to me being confused!
In this book, there are many important things to remember. Because this is the second book of a series, there is often information that was presented to you in the first book that relates to the second book. If you don’t remember all the details from the first book, things that happen in the second book often don’t make sense, or seem to come out of nowhere. Since there is another book after this one, it’s important that I remember everything so that I will not be confused when I read the third book. This makes it difficult because I sometimes have to read and re-read certain important facts to be sure I can remember them for later in this book or the next.
Even with all the challenges in this book, I still find myself not wanting to put it down. I think the challenges are good because it helps keep me focused in the book so I can get more into it, as a reader. From the second I started reading this book, my attention was captured and I only grew more in love with the story line as I read on. I definitely recommend, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, and The Girl Who Played With Fire to anyone who would enjoy an interesting thriller mystery! You will not be disappointed with the characters, settings, storylines or outcomes. The author makes you feel so comfortable with the characters and the settings that you feel as though you have traveled to Sweeden and walked the streets. I can’t wait to dive into the third book of the series.
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