Sunday, November 6, 2011


The most recent time I have taken a vacation out of the country was last summer in Canada. Although it was very similar to american society, there were still a few key changes! For one, the views were amazing! On our trip we were able to go to two water falls, drive through the mountains, and take a ski lift to the top of a mountain. Although all those were great, I think one of the coolest sights we got to see was when we traveled peak to peak. The Peak to Peak was a gondola ride from the tip of one mountain to another. The gondola traveled 4.4 kilometers. The Peak to Peak breaks three world records. It has the longest unsupported span of 3.024 kilometer, the highest lift of its kind at 436 meters, and completes the longest continuous lift system on the globe!

Although seeing all the fantastic sights was great, we also had a chance to do so many fun and cool things on our trip! One of which was bear watching! At 6:00 in the morning we stumbled into a van and were driven up the mountain. On our trip we saw about 8 bears and one baby bear up in a tree! We also got the chance to witness to a mother bear protecting her cub, so the male bear wouldn't kill it! Another activity we got to do was zip linning! It was so much fun being able to zip through the air! It felt as if you were flying! We were zipping and zapping over the mountains and rivers below! We were going upside down, backwards, and spinny!

One of the other families that is a part of the IADC, (read my next blog!) met us in Seattle for two days before driving up to Whistler, Canada! While going out to dinner one night, we found ourselves in the "best" Chinese resturant in town and our order was taken by a man would would say fried rice, as fri ri and sweet and sour chicken as swee and sur chicaan. Let's just say we all had trouble keeping a straight face! We also got to go on a bike ride around a big lake! After renting our bikes we started our ride and were lucky enough to find starfish and other creatures of the deep!

Although our stay in Whister was only a week, we still had so much fun staying in our hotel (known as a castle) walking around the ski village (were Olympians spent their extra time during the Olympics), and having snow ball fights! I can't wait to go back to Canada and say "EH?" once again!

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